

We believe feeling good, both mentally & physically, is at the root of a good life. May our insights into how we nurture our minds and bodies inspire you to pursue small changes that have the potential for big impact on your health & happiness.

Finding patience in presence: how our truck build has been a practice in chilling out


The last four years of life on the road have looked quite similar for us.  Colorado in the summer, Arizona and Baja in the winter, and anywhere in between as we migrated south and back north.  The problem with repetition is that Mark and I get bored easily and end up craving all that there is to be discovered in the unknown.  Something that can’t be achieved when you’re constantly residing within...

10 things I’ve learned about life from my daily photo taking practice


In 2019 a close friend and fellow photographer challenged me to do a 365 project.  That meant taking at least one photo every day for the entire year.  While I found the idea interesting, I was skeptical that I’d have the desire and dedication to see it through.  Kristyn, who had already completed a 365 project once before, told me it changed her life.  I was so intrigued that...

The time to be outside is now


Every year there is one day that feels unlike all the days that preceded it.  In Colorado it usually happens around the end of August or start of September.  I’m talking about the first day that it feels like fall.  I’ll never know, and will always wonder, what it is that shifts overnight to create this unmistakable feeling.  From yesterday to today, the temperature did not change, the clouds no...

The benefits of cold plunges: a hobby we never thought we’d have


Let me begin this post, about willingly submerging myself into cold water, by trying to express how much I hate being cold.  It’s no coincidence that I’ve built my life around seeking out and living in places that are sunny and 75 degrees.  I’m one of those people that brings a sweatshirt to the grocery store and wears socks to bed.  I take scalding hot showers because anything...

Create more. Consume less.


In today’s culture, much of our free time is spent consuming.  We’re constantly taking something in and constantly wanting for more.  More food, more stuff, more social media, all in the hopes it will make us happy or numb our discomfort.  Yet no matter how much we consume, we’re never quite satiated. What if we redirected some of our time towards creating instead?  Creating art or...

The power of nature, especially for introverts


A few years ago I read a fascinating book called “The Righteous Mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion” written by Jonathan Haidt. It’s one of those books that bends your mind in a way that allows you to view life and humankind from a totally different angle. It contains some complex ideas and I, admittedly, only absorbed a small part of it. Yet it still opened my mind in new...

How I’m changing my relationship with my phone and reclaiming my attention


It has been said that our lives are a culmination of what we pay attention to.  What we watch, listen to, and read shapes our attitude, our opinions, and our reality.  Now that we’re spending an average of 7 hours a day looking at one screen or another it’s impossible to deny the fact that our devices and their addictive apps are shaping our brains and affecting our quality of life. The...

The pursuit of long-term satisfaction over instant gratification


Often times, in this day and age, our desire to ease stress and feel good fast leads to behaviors that offer instant gratification only to fight back later with long-term consequences. SmokingDrinkingEating junk foodGambling Binging social media, Netflix, YouTubeRetail therapy These behaviors, while they feel good in the moment, can lead to disease, depression, weight gain, financial strain, and...

Bridging the gap between the person we are and the person we want to be


Photo of the day: Yoga time // At the beginning of the year I was inspired to do something different from making a New Year’s resolution.  I was given a Word Of The Year workbook with prompts to select a word that would guide me through the year.  In this workbook were some really wonderful questions that cultivated deep thinking about my actions, my priorities, what I want to...

The art (and delight) of noticing


It’s been over four years now since I began the practice of photographing my life daily. When 2020’s 365 project came to an end, I couldn’t imagine stopping. And so, without really thinking too hard about it, I woke up January 1st of 2021 and kept going. I haven’t stopped since. My commitment to the practice has taught me a lot while yielding an awesome and honest record of my life from...


We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


We're spending the winter of 2025 exploring all that mainland Mexico has to offer. To follow along on the adventure subscribe to receive a daily photo and story directly to your inbox.

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