

We believe feeling good, both mentally & physically, is at the root of a good life. May our insights into how we nurture our minds and bodies inspire you to pursue small changes that have the potential for big impact on your health & happiness.

Me, You & Us: nurturing the three entities that comprise a marriage


Mark and I believe there are three separate entities that comprise a marriage: ME: me as an individualYOU: him as an individual& US: us together as a couple The health and happiness of each entity equally important but their individual needs not always the same. If all my decisions are made with only my happiness in mind, than the marriage is likely to suffer.  If all his...

Why We Camp


Lately I’ve become increasingly attached to my phone.  Something that’s hard to admit because: 1) I don’t want to believe that to be true 2) it’s such a slippery slope, it’s hard to step outside yourself and realize you’re doing it 3) it’s so easy to justify it as a tool that it’s difficult to admit to it being anything else. But it’s started to feel like an addiction lately.  The more I use it...

How we strive for simplicity


Last month we were in Los Angeles visiting family when my cousin asked us “How do you live such a simple life?”.  I stirred on that question for a week and came to the conclusion that there’s no simple answer.  We all have the ability to simplify or complicate our lives and for years now Mark & I have made thoughtful choices in an effort to live the life we desire.  The more...

A gentle reminder this holiday season


This morning Mark & I were sitting at camp in Nevada having a conversation when we remembered…it’s the holidays.  I’d completely forgotten.  Then, what immediately came to my mind were the millions of people running around frantically attending holiday parties, catching flights and shopping, shopping, shopping.  It saddens me that the holidays have become synonymous with...

Learning from the great outdoors what it means to be content


Most of my adult life I’ve wondered what it means to be content.  I used to always be caught up in the future thinking “I’ll be happy when…” “…when I land that job, when I lose 15 lbs., when I go on that trip”.  It was a vicious cycle that I couldn’t escape.  I chalked it up to being a kid and that I had a lot to accomplish before I could really be happy...


We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


We're spending the winter of 2025 exploring all that mainland Mexico has to offer. To follow along on the adventure subscribe to receive a daily photo and story directly to your inbox.

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