San Cosme //
Last night it was an easy consensus among the group that we would sit still another day making this a three night stay at this particular spot. Three nights is my ideal timeframe at any given campsite (four or five if it’s particularly good). Two full drive-free days allows for one day of work and one day of play, a perfect balance in my book. Driving too often is the fastest way to burnout in this lifestyle and so we pay close attention to our ratio of days spent driving vs. days spent in one location.
I haven’t necessarily loved this campsite for the fact that we’re wedged onto a narrow pad of rocky terrain with steep slopes on each side. Walking around the truck is difficult. However, the incredible weather, beautiful view, and free charge has completely offset any qualms I might have. It’s 85 degrees today and I’m sweating while on a FaceTime call with a friend in Kansas City who is all bundled up and telling me how frigid it is outside. It could easily be July, not the week before Christmas, and I wouldn’t know the difference.
After an hour or more spent spear-fishing, both Adam and Josh return to shore with their own catch. Adam passes off his spear to Mark who decides to go out and try his hand at the sport for the first time. While grabbing something from inside our camper, I hear everyone cheering from the beach. Mark speared a rooster fish. I run down to the beach, camera in hand.
Once all the fish are filleted a feast even better than last night is prepared. Adam breads and fries his and Mark’s rooster fish while Mark sautés Josh’s catch in a lemon butter garlic sauce. Veggies, rice, and fresh pico de gallo round out this evening’s meal and we all feel like kings and queens eating fresh-caught fish on our own private beach.
It’s becoming hard to imagine leaving Baja by choice. Life is good here. We all knew this would happen though. We knew we’d settle right back into all the familiarity and comfort of Baja. Luckily we all know that comfort and familiarity isn’t what we’re after. And so the goal remains, to eventually make our way to the ferry terminal in LaPaz and off to the great unknown.
Thanks for keeping up the daily posts as we follow along on your travels!
Thank you for reading Barb!
Nice catch Mark! All the fish looked good! A meal doesn’t get any better with fresh fish 🐟 out of the ocean! I love that!
Yeah, it really doesn’t get any better.