Mexico Day 47: A bittersweet goodbye

Agua Buena, San Luis Potosí //

We all knew this day was inevitable but that doesn’t make it any easier.  

When we arrived here in the La Huasteca region Mark, myself, and Heather & Adam collectively exhaled for the fact that this seemed like an area where we could slow our pace and start really enjoying Mexico.  The four of us have the entire winter to spend here and the luxury of being able to chill out at a spot for a week if we feel like it.  Josh, Darci & Hannah, on the other hand, have an entirely different objective.  Their goal is to keep driving south until reaching the southernmost tip of South America, a feat that will take 1-2 years and requires paying attention to the calendar.  Their goal is to reach the Guatemalan border in the next three(ish) weeks and so it’s time for them to get back on the road.  We weren’t exactly sure where or when we would part ways, it turns out that day is today and it’s here in Agua Buena that we’ll say goodbye.  We all exchange tight hugs, each of us getting two hugs from Hannah, and as we watch them drive away it’s hard accepting the fact that we have no idea when we’ll see them again.  When, and more notably where, is anybody’s guess.

To shake off the strange feeling of now being a party of four, we all walk a couple of miles to the nearby town of Tamasopo for lunch.  Walking around this small town really highlights the fact that we’re a long ways from any kind of gringo destination.  We’re the only white people around and I can feel us sticking out like a sore thumb.  At lunch I practice smiling at the waiter who is speaking to us in Spanish even though I have absolutely no idea what he is saying.  I’ve come to realize that my natural reaction to Spanish-speakers is that of a scowl (because I’m concentrating so hard to try and understand and am simultaneously frustrated for having no idea).  That reaction leaves me feeling irritated at myself and the situation which is not the experience I want to have in Mexico.  I’m not going to learn Spanish overnight and so the solve is to offer a smile instead of a frown and laugh at myself instead of scrutinize.  However, the result of smiling widely at the waiter today is what I can only assume is him thinking that means I understand because he’s only speaking to me, not Mark, Heather or Adam. Funny thing is, when he returns to take our order, he speaks in English.  He must have heard us all taking about the struggle after leaving us with menus.

By the time we arrive back at camp we’re finally ready to shed a few layers.  The sun is working its way through the breaking clouds every few minutes and we relish any rays that reach us.  It’s a quiet afternoon at camp.  We reflect on what an amazing thing it is that the seven of us not only managed to get our timelines to match up so that we could meet in Baja but further that we went on to spend 45 days together.  Now that Josh, Darci, and Hannah have departed it feels like an entirely new chapter of the trip has begun.

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  • It’s sad Josh, Darci and Hannah had to go their separate way but I understand they’re on their own mission. I hope you will be able to keep in touch. I’m sure they will have some good stories to tell. I love how the Mexican culture embraces in all the bright colors and artwork! Some of the buildings and signs really stand out beautifully!

    • I also love how colorful it is here.

      We will definitely keep in touch with Josh & Darci, it just might be a long time before we see them face to face again. They have quite the adventure ahead of them!

    • Thanks so much for reading Tracy! Josh & Darci only have a photo blog for friends & family, they don’t share anything publicly online.


We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


We're spending the winter of 2025 exploring all that mainland Mexico has to offer. To follow along on the adventure subscribe to receive a daily photo and story directly to your inbox.

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