Agua Buena, San Luis Potosí //
Today is a milestone achievement for us. For the first time since arriving in Mexico forty-eight days ago, we’re sitting still for a third day in a row. It feels absolutely glorious. The fact that the four of us sit in our chairs and enjoy lengthy conversation from nine until noon indicates the state of relaxation in which we’ve reached. Planning for the next leg of the trip is no longer consuming all of our down time and I feel my ability to be present slowly returning.
As the sun moves steadily from east to west today, I get lost in photo editing while Mark builds us a water filtration system. Unlike in the American West, where we spend much of our time, water is plentiful here. The stream that flows just steps from our door not only provides us showers but is also filtered into our jugs. Without the usual inevitability of running out of water, we now have one less reason to leave. I begin to wonder just how long we’ll stay.
Later in the day a plume of smoke catches our attention. We scan the horizon and find orange flames rising high from the sugar cane field adjacent to the campground. It’s close enough that you can hear the crackling pop of the flames to which Adam comments “I’m not sure whether I should get my camera out or pack up the truck”. Flames like that in Colorado would mean havoc is about to unfold, but we trusted it was a controlled burn and kept our fingers crossed. For the following hour ash rained down on camp covering every surface in black remnants of sugar cane leaves. The unexpected show ceded just in time for us to make an ash-free dinner.
Before saying goodnight to Heather & Adam we all easily conclude that we’ll stay another day. With the forecast suggesting sun, you’d be hard pressed to get me in the truck anyways. I also know too well to never leave a place this good impulsively. Once we’re back on the road, there’s no way to know when we’ll find another spot as appealing as this.
Our current location in Mexico. The beautiful view from our camp. A controlled burn of the nearby sugar cane field. An aerial view of the town of Agua Buena.
Shud be seeing some new birds- Brown Jays, Parakeets, Parrots, Black Phoebe over water, et al.
We have yet to see a parakeet or parrot but I’ve been on the look out. I need to look up what a Black Phoebe looks like.
What a beautiful town and campsite! So happy you got to enjoy staying in one place for more than a day or two!
Yes, it’s been a a really beautiful spot.
Wow, I can’t believe it been 48 days! Awesome!! The view from your camp is stunning. 💚
I can’t either!