
baja 2023

Baja: The last day


At 5:30 this morning we left San Felipe and began the 3.5 hour drive to the border.  Last year we crossed at Mexicali East where we waited in line for 3 hours and spent another hour waiting in secondary inspection.  By getting an early start and trying a less popular border crossing, we were hoping for a better experience this time around.  At 8:45am we arrived in Los Algondones...

Baja Day 71: San Felipe


The tide is out this morning revealing a sandbar along the coastline as far as the eye can see. I go on a long walk wearing a T-shirt and no shoes and think to myself…this is the weather I’ve been waiting for for 2.5 months. The sea is as calm as I’ve ever witnessed and with all of that, it’s one of the most magnificent mornings of our entire trip.  A short hour and a half drive takes us to...

Baja Day 70: La Poma


After getting out on the water at sunrise we begin to slowly pack up camp. But as the temp rises the wasps arrive and so we pick up our pace and gladly get on the road.  An hour or two in to our drive (I never keep track of these things when I’m on Baja time) we arrive at a little roadside restaurant in the middle of nowhere that we loved last year. It’s right off Hwy 1, with nothing else...

Baja Day 69: Bahia de Los Angeles


We start the day by cruising around the bay on our paddleboard boat. It’s low tide and we come across a fascinating little isolated current that looks like a river running through this particular section of the ocean. (I’m certain there’s proper terminology for what we saw but if you hadn’t noticed by now, I’m clueless about the ocean) The current is strong enough that with our motor on its...

Baja Day 68: Bahia de Los Angeles


At 2am I step outside to use the bathroom and thought for a moment it was the break of dawn, the full moon was that bright.  It’s high tide and the water’s edge is a few short feet from our door. I stand beneath the moonlight for several minutes savoring my surroundings. Shortly after a few locals arrive and park a short ways down the beach to enjoy the night in a different kind of way, with...

Baja Day 67: Bahia de Los Angeles


Our vent/fan (our lifeline to quickly removing odors from our tiny space) breaks this morning just as I’m about to use the toilet. Luckily our shower tent is already set up so I hurriedly carry the toilet out of the camper and in to the tent. In this moment I’m wishing Parker wasn’t parked as close as he is with his back door wide open and pointed directly at my mesh-walled bathroom. These are...

Baja Day 66: Bahia de los Angeles


This morning was dreamy. Sunny, calm, warm. The water in this very protected bay was glass and we watched several people paddle while we sat on the beach and ate breakfast.  By the time we got on our paddleboards a cool breeze kicked up. It just figured that one of the only times we decided to use our boards sans electric motor, we end up fighting against the wind all the way back to camp. That’s...

Baja Day 65: Back to Bahia de Los Angeles


We woke to complete perfection. A cloudless sky and no wind. Flip flop and sweatshirt kind of weather, my favorite kind. I went for a walk while Mark made coffee and then we reluctantly began packing. Were we really going to leave a beach and weather this good? There was a good weather window opening up and we had a plan to get settled and enjoy it at Bahia de Los Angeles so away from the perfect...

Baja Day 64: Santa Rosaliita


Going for a walk first thing this morning only heightened the fact that we’re both in need of a shower. We weren’t sure where we were headed from here but we at least knew it needed to be somewhere with some facilities, which greatly narrowed our options. We were packed and ready to go at 9:30am so a four hour drive to an RV park in Guerrero Negro sounded easy peasy.  At 2pm we were eating...

Baja Day 63: Mulege


It’s windy, overcast, and chilly today. Going in to March, I expected the temps to be going up, not down. But from what I hear it’s snowing in Southern California so it appears to be an atypical winter.  While we’re aiming to be back in the states in the next couple of weeks, the weather is making me question that plan. Regardless, we continue north today as spending a cold,  windy day...


We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


We're spending the winter of 2025 exploring all that mainland Mexico has to offer. To follow along on the adventure subscribe to receive a daily photo and story directly to your inbox.

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