Where we’ve been, where we’re headed, and why we’re back!

Hello hello hello! It has been a while, I know. We last left you in May 2020 when we decided to sell our house in Idaho, as well as our plane, so that we could buy an RV, and return to full-time RV living. I’m happy to report that life on the road has been treating us extremely well since then.

If you’ve been following our journey over the years, you know that we’ve had several different rigs and have embarked on several different phases of part-time and full-time travel. As it turns out, the timing was never as right as it was in May 2020 when we set off in our new-to-us Desert Fox toy hauler. Everything we had learned up until that point contributed to the most comfortable RV setup we’ve ever had, as well as the most streamlined methods for sustainable living as full-time RVers.

This is why we bought a toy hauler. It’s the best office I’ve ever had.

We still spend our summers in Colorado’s high country (where we used to live and where our photography business is still based out of) and our winters in the Southwest. Last year, as we questioned what we wanted life to look like moving forward, we began shopping for property on Colorado’s Western Slope. We weren’t interested in acquiring a mortgage again or giving up our mobile lifestyle but we were drawn to the idea of having our own slice of wilderness that we could enjoy during the Spring and Fall. One year later and I still have a hard time believing that we found what we did…a magical 35 acre parcel that is everything we could have dreamed of and so much more.

We still own our beloved Four Wheel Camper and our funky little utility trailer. Both have been so useful in so many ways that we couldn’t imagine giving either up. A handful of times now we have put our toy hauler in storage and taken off on a week long road trip in just the truck camper. The versatility we’re able to enjoy by having a travel trailer and a truck camper has definitely spoiled us!

If we had to boil down our success (in this third round of full-time RV living) to just one factor, I would attribute it to slowing down. Back when we bought our truck camper we thought we had to see All The Things and that we had to see them all right now. That pace might work for some but not for us. In order to sustain full-time life on the road, I think it’s imperative to reduce decision fatigue as much as possible.

When we lived full-time in our Casita back in 2017 & 2018 I became worn down by the never ending need to be planning for what’s next. Where are we going? Where are we dumping tanks, filling water, getting rid of trash, buying propane? How are we getting from here to there? What’s plan B & C if our desired spot is taken? Do we need to make reservations? And on and on. That fact largely took the fun out of it.

We now take advantage of the 14 day limit on public lands, staying the entire 14 days, and then moving only 30-100 miles at a time (within each season). That leaves us with only a handful of big travel days when we’re transitioning to a new region during the season change. This new travel style has changed everything for us. After all these years, I believe it’s knowing your travel style and having a rig to match that equals success and maximum enjoyment in this way of life.

It’s now January 8th, 2022 and we’re preparing to embark on one of our greatest adventures yet. I think I’ll save that news for a future post because I wouldn’t want to jinx it. 😉 What I will say is that if all goes to plan, there should be some beautiful eye candy to enjoy here in the not too distant future!

Any guesses as to where we’re headed are welcome in the comments below! Though, if you’re in the know, no brownie points for you ; )

Lastly, I hope you’ll enjoy over a dozen new posts that fill in the gap of the last year and a half, as well as an all new website layout and design. This site largely was neglected due to me not wanting to take on the time-consuming task of needed updates. Mark convinced me it was worth it and now that it’s all done, I’m stoked to be back!

To all our friends, online and off, we hope you are well! We’ve missed you!

See you soon!


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We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


We're spending the winter of 2025 exploring all that mainland Mexico has to offer. To follow along on the adventure subscribe to receive a daily photo and story directly to your inbox.

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