
Insights & Advice

We’ve spent over five years living on the road full-time. We hope our experience will help educate and inspire you to pursue this incredible way of life.

A-Z Guide to Full-Time RV Living: Bears, Bandits & Breakdowns


Welcome to post 2 of 26 in the A-Z guide to full-time RV living.   When people learn that Mark & I live on the road and travel full-time,  the most common question we’re asked pertains to safety.  “But aren’t you scared out there?” is what seems to most naturally roll off of people’s tongues.  The short answer is no, not in the slightest.  But since that concern could...

A-Z Guide to full-time RV Living: Anatomy of a Dream


Welcome to the first post in a 26 part series on how to live on the road and travel full-time! Since living on the road doesn’t happen overnight, I thought I’d kick off this series with a post about dreams. Over the years Mark & I have had the good fortune of turning not just one, but a few of our dreams in to reality.  And we’ve started to discover patterns in the path that we take to...

Full-time RV living in 2022: Costs, Crowds & Climate Change


As many of you know, RVing has grown exponentially more popular since the start of the pandemic in 2020. We previously lived on the road full-time back in 2018 and as we embarked on this second chapter of full-time RV living in 2020, I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be more difficult. Not only are there more crowds, additionally everything is getting more expensive, and dangerous...

How to not have fun RV-ing


We managed to get a pretty sweet campsite here at Valley of the Gods.  We had an okay spot for the first two days we were here but when the guy left the site we’re at now, we jumped on it and moved the mile or so down the road to snag it.  We’re perched up on a hill, at the base of Rooster Butte, with panoramic views of Valley of the Gods and Monument Valley in the distance.  A lot...

How we plan our travel days


It’s been about 10 months now since we sold our house and began living and traveling full-time in our RV.  As many of you may already know, this isn’t our first time, it’s actually our 3rd.  All the previous experience has culminated in a wealth of knowledge that is making our travels more enjoyable than they’ve ever been.  Planning routes, locating campsites, knowing how often and...

8 essentials I carry for comfort & safety in the wilderness


About 10 minutes in to our evening walk, Mark decided to go back to camp since he wasn’t feeling great.  As I continued down the road without him, I realized I had nothing with me that I usually carry when venturing out alone.  Mark knew exactly what route I was taking and it was only a couple of miles so I decided to not worry about it.  However, it got me thinking about the handful of things I...

Why we chose a toy hauler for our next full-time RV


This past winter we spent two months traveling around Arizona in our truck camper.  When the weather was good, we couldn’t have been happier.  But on the days when the weather left us no other choice than to hide out in the camper, we were reminded just how small of a space it really is.  The wind was relentless for the couple of weeks that we spent in my hometown of...

RV Camping Gear Guide: Boondocking Favorites


I’m beginning to think I love sharing our gear with you guys as much as Mark loves sourcing it.  What happens is, he thoughtfully researches every purchase (something he is really good at and I am not) then I get to use or benefit from said purchases.  THEN…he undoubtedly finds the coolest stuff and I immediately think, you guys, our awesome readers, should know about this stuff! ...

10 elements to the perfect boondocking campsite


Our first few months of living on the road has been divided between campgrounds and boondocking.  We thought a week boondocking with limited resources followed by a week at a campground with amenities would be a nice balance.  While it’s been working out great, we’re definitely craving more boondocking.  And since Mark has gotten us all set up with solar and other gear...

RV Camping Gear Guide: Travel trailer essentials


If we’ve learned anything thru owning a truck camper, 30′ travel trailer and now a 17′ travel trailer, it’s that you’re just getting started when you purchase your RV.  No matter what you get, they never come outfitted to serve all your comforts and needs.  Outfitting your RV to make it the most fun, functional and comfortable is a project, but the more it...


We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


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