Winter in Baja Day 34: A sort of ordinary day

Somewhere north of El Cardonal //

Since we’re alone for the first time in weeks, it’s time to tend to some of life’s responsibilities.  Mark spends hours inside the camper sorting out some tech issues related to this website as well as some insurance headaches and other miscellany.  I sit inside the trailer with my laptop and work on a writing project.  Our life in Baja may look like a perpetual vacation, and we are indeed extremely fortunate to have a lot of time to spend as we wish, but the mundane chores and responsibilities that come with being an adult are ever-present, no matter our location. 

I can’t help but holler at Mark to come outside when I see a whale passing by and he, of course, can’t resist the opportunity.  As a result he gets disconnected from the tech support conversation he was having regarding our website.  Trying to be productive in a setting like this comes with unique challenges. I use the word “challenges” here very lightly : )

Our appetites are what eventually motivate us to stop working.  Mark makes his second attempt at crafting corn tortillas from scratch and nails it.  He goes on to make us some damn good tacos and we both get pretty excited about what this means.  As long as we have rice, beans, corn flour, and some veggies, we can make food go a long ways at any remote campsite that we don’t feel like leaving.

At sunset, Josh, Darci & Hannah return from their day of doing some service work outside of La Paz.  We settle right back in to being a camp of 5 and share in our collective gratitude for not being in the frigid US.  

It feels like an ordinary day by our standards and is just what I’ve been craving.  Slowing down and savoring, proving once again, to be the way we most enjoy our travels. 

gear we love mentioned or used in this post…

Drone photos taken with the DJI Mini.
Land- based photos taken with the Canon R6.
We cook most of our food using a Blackstone griddle.

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  • Great job Mark! Nothing beats a homemade tortilla! What a wonderful way to start your day with that beautiful sunrise! The whales are awesome!

  • sometimes I forget how much work it takes to format and publish a work of art like this. not just the writing, but everything else that goes into creating and then sharing a page so pleasing to the eyes with words and photographs and oh yes, the formatting and layout. tucking the sweet, simple captions in under the pictures, and so forth and so on and well, I can only add something like it took me three months to prepare one manuscript for the Colorado prize submission deadline in January, but I did it. kudos on you two for writing, flying drone, driving roads, cooking tortillas, washing clothes, and taking time to smell the whale roses. 😉

    • That’s such and kind and thoughtful observation Danial. I find it a pursuit worth the effort thanks to readers like you. Thanks for always following along. And congrats on completing your manuscript for submission!

  • I must agree with another of the comments about the amount of work to present these articles and how well done they are. Plus the enjoyment I get out of them. Thanks so much!

    Great corn tortillas! Good for Mark! I’ve been meaning to try that. I’ll put that on my grocery list.

    • I really appreciate that Rick. It does take a fair amount of time to create and publish these posts but I get so much fulfillment from knowing they are enjoyed by others.

  • I just absolutely love following your Baja days. I keep telling hubby about what the “Baja people” did today. I wish I could upload a pic of the 3 foot drift in front of our garage here in Wyoming to make you even happier where you are. Thanks for bringing some warmth to my days!!


We’re Mark & Michele, modern-day nomads perfecting the art of slow, full-time travel.  Our tiny home on wheels and slow-paced travel style allows us to minimize our expenses while maximizing our freedom.  May our unconventional way of life inspire you to design a life that you love.


We're spending the winter of 2025 exploring all that mainland Mexico has to offer. To follow along on the adventure subscribe to receive a daily photo and story directly to your inbox.

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